
It's been 49 days since my panic induced accident at Sonic. We got a new van (ironically, same year, make, and model as the old one, just a different color), the insurance piece has been wrapped up, and for the most part, things are back to normal. So why do I think about death and … Continue reading Fractures


Two days ago, I was supposed to check-in with my psych, let her know I was feel great on the 25mg of mood stabilizer I started two weeks prior, and bump up to 50mg until my next visit two weeks later. Unfortunately, due to the start of a nasty side effect, that wasn't meant to … Continue reading Circles


milestone noun mile·stone | \ ˈmī(-ə)l-ˌstōn \ Definition of milestone 1: a stone serving as a milepost (see MILEPOST sense 1) 2: a significant point in development Graduating from college was an important milestone in her life. Learning to walk. Losing your first tooth. Turning 16 and getting your driver's license. Graduation. Marriage. Birth. Death. … Continue reading 1826